Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Search Engine Optimization Techniques

If you learn how to optimize your site, you May have received a large amount of information from & 39; d & 39; other webmasters. Some of the information that you & 39; they gave May d & 39; conflict with other things you have read. In this article we will provide general information on various aspects of SEO. If you are new to this subject, May you have heard of cloaking, May and walk if it is a good idea. Cloaking is a practice that is generally unacceptable. L & 39; If you use keywords to spam, you can get in trouble with search engines your site and become blacklisted.
Most May SEO experts recommend & 39; use dashes instead of stresses to name your files or folders. Research shows that search engines consider traits d & 39; union to be spaces. In contrast, stresses will not be seen as spaces, and the words will be put together to generate a word. At the same time, you do not want to use the & 39; more than 2 to 3 traits d & 39; union. It is preferable d & 39; use only words which must be separated. You May have also heard d & 39; a redirection. Most SEO experts & 39; s grant to say that & 39; using the 301 redirect is preferable. In addition, May you be interested in the & 39; use Flash to your website.
Most experts agree that it is preferable & 39; d & 39; avoid & 39; use Flash. Unlike Flash, search engines are very friendly to sites that are built in HTML. Virtually all search engines can spider HTML documents, but most are not familiar with Flash. If you want your site is fully optimized, it is preferable d & 39; avoid design with a program that May not be respectful of all search engines. It is possible for a Flash site to be spidered, but you ask d & 39; install kit SDK Macromedia. However, there are a number of & 39; other reasons why the construction of & 39; a site in Flash is a bad idea. While Flash sites tend to be well designed, they are not generally easy to use. Making changes to the site, you must use specialized software, which can be tedious. Unless you have, it is preferable d & 39; avoid & 39; use Flash. Please n & 39; not hesitate to reprint this article, just be sure my signature file remains intact and the link & 39; inside it is clickable a good destination. To learn more about what Aaron Nimocks not visit his site to Sapphire directory.

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