Monday, March 17, 2008

Consulting Firms: Should You Be a Product Reseller?

In this article we will explore two schools of thought about the computer consulting firms must resell products.
Pure Computer Consulting Firm Defined
Some consulting firms want to be pure consulting firms. They believe that they will never make a dime for product differences, and that there are potential conflicts with the resale of goods. Therefore, these types of consulting firms do not choose to resell hardware, software or peripherals. As consultants, the companies will help customers decide what to buy, what should be the specification, and show them where they can buy the recommended agents products.
Purchasing whether Almost Pure
A variation on this scenario includes all purchasing agent for customers. In this case, your firm makes purchases for the customers, and your company bills clients for a few hours for this function. Your company receives and examines quotes, places orders, track orders, as well as the purchase of up to the end. Both of them (transition role and the role of purchasing agent) have a cleaner design consulting firms model.
Hybrid Option
With There is another hybrid design model your business consulting resale of certain products. Many computer resellers do what is known as a white box PC resale; sell what is known as PC clones. Computer reseller offering white box systems, as a rule, do not sell-brand desktop computers, not company servers, and in some very limited cases, not branded notebooks (called white paper).
To Resell or not to Resell consulting firms?
The strategic decision whether to resell or not, depends on where you want to be spending most of your time. Do you want your company to try to get some additional profits for the sales? Or do you want most of your consulting firm net income from consulting dollars? Despite this, if you really want to be in a strong position for your sales consulting business, you really should not be leading out of the product sales. Products Are a Good " kicked in the door? & Quot;
Now many new computer owners consultation wonder: if you sell low-cost personal computers, software and peripherals cheap cheap to get foot in the door to sell consulting services? The answer in most cases no.
Why not? Because then, suddenly you have shown to customers that you want to be their commodity brokers. Will clients hire their commodity broker for advice? There can. They have, and your company is pegged as cheap, inexpensive source.
If you want to resell the goods, resell the products to people that you are consulting relationship with. I make sure that the consulting firm is doing enough profits for the time, capital, facilities, staff and overhead expenses that you must dedicate resale products.
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About at Author
Joshua Feinberg computer consultants helping to generate more stable, high-paying clients. Find out how you can too. Sign up now for free Joshua Computer Consultants Secrets of audio training in desire douglass

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